JVP understands the geopolitical reality of the region

Amid the buzz surrounding the presidential race this year, the visit of the JVP-led National People’s Party (NPP) to India has raised much attention. As Sri Lanka plunged into a…

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Antagonizing India is not a wise decision for a small state like the Maldives – Rasheeda M. Didi

You have worked with Mohamed Nasheed’s government, which has maintained strong ties with India. However, now the situation has dramatically changed. There is a diplomatic row between the two countries.…

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Maldives is a test case for India’s regional leadership

The Maldives, a small country, was once well-known mainly for its pristine beaches and luxury resorts. However, it has now become a symbol of Sino-Indian strategic rivalry in the Indian…

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Dissecting South Africa’s pact with the devil

South Africa is a Nation that most of the free world until now had associated with the liberation from Apartheid, in itself a valuable symbol of human progress. Since today,…

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